well, except for Tom Smith's first statement about the french making a good point for wearing kilts
Careful there...my wife is of French heritage. In the last year I have seen folks say some very nasty things about the French in her presence, not realizing that her family are of French heritage from Louisiana, and that has hurt her very deeply. As a result, I have invoked a personal "Auld Alliance" between her French & my Scottish heritage. Her ancestors lost their homes in Nova Scotia in 1755 -- others were some of the first settlers of Louisiana before many of my Scottish relatives ever dreamed of coming to the New World. I'm proud of the fact that she has become more aware of her heritage, and ashamed that others insult a whole people based on the actions of their government. That's not the America I grew up in. I was raised not to judge by the group, but to look at the individual, regardless of the colour of skin, where he goes to church, etc.

If we are going to get defensive of our own heritage and the kilt as a symbol of that heritage, then we must not be guilty of the very thing we are speaking out against.

"Man tae man, the world o'er, shall brithers be for a' that!"

I thought Jimmy's comment was great -- the kilt is more than a trend or fad -- it is a way of life, a symbol of home, family & freedom. Well said, Jimmy! Cheers!
