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  1. #13
    Join Date
    18th October 09
    Orange County California
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    Quote Originally Posted by Troglodyte View Post
    Let's hope the powers-that-be at eBay can refrain from arbitrary that's-banned-so-destroy-it action this time...
    That story gets stranger and stranger. The timeline:

    9 May 2024.

    I complete a Buy-it-Now purchase of item #2667 8448 0189 from t.bakerjewellery (Shifnal, England).

    14 May 2024.

    I receive a full refund from Ebay and a message stating in part "Your recent purchase cannot be completed. The item in question has been deemed restricted."

    I contact the seller t.bakerjewellery saying that if horsehair is restricted can he remove the cantle and just post me the cantle and the chain strap.

    The seller replies saying "Unfortunately the items don't get returned to us, I believe Ebay destroys them."

    25 June 2024.

    The sporran is relisted by a different seller, chaov-uk2014 (Bordon, England) item #2765 2446 1781. Oddly, the same photos from the original auction in May are re-used.

    I message the seller saying that I had previously purchased that item from another seller, but that it was seized by Ebay. Would it be possible for him to remove the cantle and just post me the cantle and chain strap?

    27 June 2024.

    The seller chaov-uk2014 messaged me "Small world! This was purchased from an auction of undelivered mail."

    Someone else purchased the sporran with Buy-it-Now.

    What was never explained was why the second seller re-used the photos from the first auction. How could he do, if he wasn't aware that there had been a previous auction? And why would he do, if he had the sporran he had purchased at auction to hand?

    I do wonder who the new buyer is. It's probably someone we know.
    Last edited by OC Richard; 3rd July 24 at 02:37 AM.
    Proud Mountaineer from the Highlands of West Virginia; son of the Revolution and Civil War; first Europeans on the Guyandotte


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