Quote Originally Posted by jsrnephdoc View Post
One difference between Lochcarron and House of Edgar is that fabric from HoE is coated in Teflon (making it stain repelling).
I've heard this. I wonder how it affects the hand and drape of the fabric.

Quote Originally Posted by jsrnephdoc View Post
If you're in or near SF, a visit to Wm Glen & Son might be fun. They do Scots Whisky tastings as well as offering made to measure kilts using cloth from pretty much all the premier mills in Scotland. I don't know whether they sew them themselves or import them from a house that sews them in the UK.
I just posted about them in another thread. Nice store and it's where I bought my first kilt. Label says "Made in Scotland." I'm no longer in the bay area and only visit occasionally, but next time I do I'll make an effort to get into the city and stop in.

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Quote Originally Posted by jsrnephdoc View Post
Regarding the yardage of cloth in your kilts: one thing I like about St. Kilda kilts is that they actually indicate approximately how many yards of fabric are required for a kilt, based on body size (and incrementally priced accordingly).
I think the more reputable kilt makers do this. They don't promise an exact yardage to be used, but give a range based on the size of the kilt and the pleating options. Others just say "Full 9 yard kilt!!!" and that may not be the case.