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Thread: Ghillie boots

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  1. #11
    Join Date
    6th July 07
    The Highlands,Scotland.
    15 Post(s)
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    [QUOTE=jsrnephdoc;1410631 ..............What I still don't know is whether there is ANY historical connection to landowners and their servants as the reason "modern" Ghillie Brogues don't have tongues.


    Not that I am aware of. In truth,I have never heard of your story until recently. However, I have personally been well aware of a complete fire crew, two police men, two ambulance crew, two locals, two sport fishermen, a ghillie and a wife carrying me on a horse blanket more than a mile over rocks and bog to a waiting ambulance a couple of years ago after a bad fall. Yes-yes, I know! Another one! I don't remember much, but, I do recall vividly that none of my rescuers had any decent suitable footwear on! One thing for sure, Ghillie brogues would have been useless!

    I must add, that each and everyone involved in helping me that day has my complete and undying gratitude for what they did. They ended up exhausted, wet, filthy and with more than a few scapes and bumps as well and still they remained cheerful throughout. Thank you All.
    Last edited by Jock Scot; Yesterday at 05:14 AM.
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