Hello all.

I just found a link to http://www.the-hilt.com from this web site and am intrigued. Has anyone ordered from them? Can you comment on the fit and quality?

First off, as a disclaimer, I'm generally not a big fan of the modern, American, contemporary kilt. I tend to favor the traditional woolen Scottish kilts, made by the professionals. I know they cost more, but to me they are worth it.

To me, the contemporary, non-traditional kilts break down into two categories. 1) inexpensive imitation versions of traditional Scottish kilts, which I don't like. 2) non-traditional kilts that are not trying to copy the Scottish kilt, but are doing their own thing. Category No. 2 I can appreciate, and know many men that enjoy wearing them.

Having said that, though, I much prefer the look, feel, and quality of a traditionally made Scottish kilt. Knowing that, would I like this hemp kilt?

I like solid kilts, so that is not an issue. But I've never seen a kilt made from hemp, so I am curious about the weight, hang, and feel of it. And what is the craftmanship like? Any comments?
