Well, I went down to visit my girlfriend for two weeks in Chatham (a city 110km south of where I live.) Anyways, breaking to the point, she gets a jonesing for some pizza so I tell her that I will walk to the pizza parlour about a couple blocks away. As I am walking down this fairly busy street wearing my Irish National kilt I come up and stop at the crosswalk. There are two of those "wear your pants halfway down your butt" teenagers standing there as well. Suddenly one looks right at me, points, and yells at the top of his lungs, "You're a F****T!" Before I could even process what has just happened 4 girls in their early 20's who're in a car stopped at the red light roll down their windows and start yelling at the guys about how cool kilts are and how "hot" men in kilts are and how "masculine" any man in a kilt is. All I said was, "Thank you I appreciate the comments." The "hood rats" just looked at the ground and walked the other way!