I don't believe there are any laws in the USA or most other countries against a man wearing a kilt. Don't think there are any state or local laws against a man wearing a kilt. Maybe, at best, some OSHA reg stretched to the limit, or requiriment for protective clothing - which is that, rather than a prohibition of other clothing.

Corporate America is big on "culture" and "diversity" these days. Any corporation hassling a man for wearing a kilt could probably be easily embarrassed into reversing themselves by attorneys who happen to be members of various Scottish clan associations, or (gasp ) by the American Civil Liberties Union.

So what is it that seems to freak folks out so much? No one has the right to tell me I can't wear a kilt.

Why do so many folks seem to go into a dither when they see us kilted...is it a control issue? An aversion to change? A fear of Scots regaining power in the world?

Folks that don't blink at a kid wearing a bold obscenity on his t shirt get uncomfortable around a man in a kilt.

Do we need a t shirt that says, "Kilts are Legal"?

