Quote Originally Posted by Thistle Stop
The 'Ugly American' is really a myth.
Not when you are travelling outside of the US it's not. I have run into the stereotypical "Ugly American" in every foreign place I have ever been, as well as in my own city. It is more about a lack of education or desire to learn things that aren't American, and to push their beliefs on the locals. The down side, is that the one person sticks out more than the 25 others that you meet that are just awesome people.

Having said that, I have yet to meet one of these people when they are on there home soil. Americans are some of the nicest people when they are showing off their home, and I hope that helps disspell the "ugly" label in time. I enjoy travelling in the US, for the people as much as the destination.

Like all stereotypes, a select few seem to perpetrate the rumour and ruin it for the majority of people that do not fall into the stereotypical category. Mind you, I find that once people find that they are being type cast, that they do little to disspell that rumour.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to put the dogs and sled away before I get back in the igloo, and open my beer and make my beans and maple syrup, before the hockey game starts.