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  1. #1
    Join Date
    13th September 04
    California, USA
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    Talking the Mrs. total and complete turnaround

    Well, I put on the semi-dress sporran and the hose and flashes and slapped on a tie (not a tartan tie, Hamish, it was solid color...see I DO listen!) and went to the Symphony on Thursday with the Mrs. It was the Cleveland Symphony doing a Dvorak and Bartok program...it was wonderful. Anyway, being kilted I got a number of subtle looks, some not so subtle looks and a thumbs up by the parking lot guy, but only one comment.

    We were on the way out and a gentleman said he'd just come back from Wallace, near Stirling, and did I know where that was. Being somewhat familiar with the map, I said yes I knew where it was, though I'd never been there, and I hoped he'd had a nice trip.

    He responded with..."what, never been there?" to which I said... "Hey, I was born in California. I'm wearing the kilt because I have some Scottish ancestors." His response..."Oh, I thought you'd had some sort of *real* connection, when I saw the kilt."

    I was going to just shrug it off, I mean, I've never seen the guy before in my life and will never see him again, but my wife just jumped on him.

    "He's a member of Clan MacNaughton and has every right to wear a kilt!" She says. "And I happen to like it"...she snapped.

    whoa. *WHOA*

    This is from the woman who in January when I stepped out of my room for the first timewith a kilt on was furious and upset because it was too "girly".

    I think I married a good 'un.
    Last edited by Alan H; 4th June 05 at 03:02 PM.


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