It might be well not to be too adventurous, and look to a traditional kilt, rather than some of the variants.

For it is a garment that can be justified, and accepted.

Here there is a very delicate point, manners. For it is a sad fact that individuals wearing some of the variants, will be treated with good manners, and so be certain that their 'kilt' is accepted. However what is actually being said about them and their choice of attire can be very different: and without doubt their nether wear is not being seen as a kilt.

Probably things are very different in America, with it's tradition of fairs and the like where variant costumes are accepted: or amongst populations who not being used to seeing the kilt-will more readily accept the variants.

However here in the UK both above and below the highland line, there are many who take the kilt-it's making and wearing very seriously indeed.

Therefore it will probably be easiest to follow present conventions when first venturing into the kilted world. Having said that, there is a dynamic at work, so such things as ties can be discarded for day to day wear, and the tweed jacket replaced by a leather jerkin and so on.

Too the durability and comfort of a traditional kilt is without doubt: too it will stand up to the British weather and rough wear in a way that many of the variants could not match. So though expensive, a good kilt is a good investment.

The root of the entire problem lies in he fact that for natural reasons, garments that are not seen by many as being a kilt, are being sold and worn as a kilt. Here I can well appreciate that those breaching convention are seeking to justify their entirely laudable choice of attire. However there is no point in avoiding the fact that to many such garments are not a kilt, and certainly are not indicative of a highland connection.

Again I regret being contentious, but there is little point in avoiding a problem: which unless addressed will without doubt one day cause some innocent soul great embarrassement.
