Hell-o all,

I was in my Workman's Utilikilt mowing my lawn. I look up to see that a fire truck is meandering its way back to the station. All of a suuden it stops right in front of my house the lights turn on and all the firefighters step out of the truck to ask me about the kilt.

Of course the lights flashing all the neighbors started looking out and they see me talking to all those firefighters, and being known as the character of the neighborhood, they go back inside seeing that I am OK and no house is burning or cat in the tree sort of thing.

After I answered the questions I did ask them why they turned on the lights of the truck? Came the reply of, didn't want to pull over and no one questions flashing lights on a firetruck.

I see it now kilts from my house to the neighborhood to the fire station to the rest of the fire department to the rest of the city, gotta love the flaming attraction of the kilt!