Quote Originally Posted by Doc Hudson
If you want to get really picky about Queen Vic, she was the German Queen of the United Kingdom of England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales, Empress of India, Defender of the Faith, and several other titles I've forgotten.
Not sure why you are calling her a German Queen of...She was born in Kensington Palace, her line is German but not her. Not sure if she actually had title of any place in Germany (not too sure if Germany existed at this time, don't think so, off-hand). (Because I get called on references: http://www.royal.gov.uk/output/Page118.asp)

I would disagree with the term Victorian for the reasons discussed earlier but not because of her, the only monarch to show any real interest in Scotland since the union.

Defender of the Faith, is the throne's title not hers, comes from Henry VIII, I believe, the Pope gave it to him a few years before Henry became head of the CofE, a great historic irony.