The recent post about the William Wallace walk to London has brought up another question for me.
I will be attending the final march from the Houses of Parliment to Smithfield but I want to know do you think it's bad form to wear a skian dubh or not.
Now I've carried knives all my life and although it may or may not be illegal (depending on size)I've still done it.I've never used the knife for anything other than for a tool, and they have got me out of numerous problems, like when my motorbike broke down and the wiring needed some first aid to get me home,and likewise with my cars(screwdriver etc).
The first thing I made as a small child was a knife, I've always known them as a tool and not something to show off with or to scare anyone.
The problem could also be due to the terrorist actions in London recently police presence will be obviously high, do I want to attract attention to myself?
I've worn the skian dubh before out but that was when I was out and about with the Pipe band and second at my own wedding, but this day is different.
I have no intention of offending anyone and weather to carry or not I will leave up to you.
I understand in history the knife was a hidden secreted about ones person and the sock carrying way is a victorian invention but as I already said there will be a large police presents especially if streets are closed to accomadate the march.
If anyone could put any light on the subject with the British legal system in mind I would be grateful.