Hello all, I got home yesterday, not that I was really away, thanks to internet cafes and the like.
Some of you have seen my online album, I think that says most about the trip.

This trip was unique for me, being the first time I'd done a major world tour completely kilted.

I took four kilts,
1. a USAK 4 yard for casual, sitting around and for getting thru airports (no metal buckles)
2. USAK PV Stewart Hunting 8yd
3. USAK PV Scottish national 8yd
4. Morrison 8 yard wool made by an Australian kiltmaker.

I was interested in seeing the response to my kilt in the various countries we travelled to. Here is a summary, but remember that my perception may not be accurate. There are a lot of factors that come into it.

This was positive, no bad comments, not even digusted looks that I can recall.
Again, positive. At the Denver church convention I attended I was happily surprised at the acceptance I recieved. It must have been confusing to have the Australian delegate turn up in a kilt!
Up in the Rockies, a lady walking past asked me where my instrument was....I decided to say nothing

They don't consider themselves Scottish, so I guess tartan isn't too popular there, we did see a fine pipe band marching up the street in Stromness tho'.

I felt most comfortable there in a kilt. It was here that the first of a total 6 seperate groups of tourists asked to be photographed with me.
I am sure that the kilt was either accepted as normal and/or quite appreciated.

I wasn't comfortable there. I may be wrong, but I sensed an attitude from many that may even betray long held grudges against the Scots - as the kilt would remind them of.
I got a lot of strange looks and some abuse from young yobbo's.

All in all, I thought it strange that in places like London, where every weird hairstyle and dress is seen - the sight of a kilt can still turn heads.

In Oxford Street, London, I saw an elderly piper busking. He went out of his way to extend a handshake to me as I walked by, without missing a single note!

My wife took it all in her stride, she only got upset at Heathrow Airport when I was climbing a set of "open stairs" and a group of girls below were giggling as they gazed up my kilt. Well, I couldn't do much about it.
She suggested then that I shouldn't wear a kilt always, but I said I would not wear clothes to suit the ignorance of others.

To thine own self be true!

This is regarded as a very tolerant country. I think the kilt was well accepted for the most part.

well, there's a brief report, more soon.