I posted a reply in the Accessories forum a while ago, about a sgain dubh I'd made. Someone asked about a picture. Finally found a shot of 3 knives that I completed at that time. The dirk has a damascus blade, the wooden handled sgain dubh was made with a blade from Atlanta Cutlery (the damascus blade came from them as well). The antler handled sgain dubh was made using a blade made by a gent named Morris Taylor. Excellent piece of steel. I made the dirk and the wooden handled sgain dubh to give out as prizes in the Highland Games at the 2002 NRLHF Eastern Primitive Rendezvous. I run the Highland games at one or two of our local events, and the Eastern when it's in my area. The antler handled sgain dubh I made for myself.
All three of the knives have poured pewter bolsters, and the two wooden handled ones have poured pewter pommels as well
Last edited by Piper; 3rd September 05 at 10:15 AM.
All skill and effort is to no avail when an angel pees down your drones.