I saw a guy in the background at the end of a battle scene swinging his sword at an enemy in such a way as to make sure he didn't hurt the guy.

Heh heh I saw that too, and if you pay attention to the big dramatic charge at the end of the movie, look at the big bearded guy (Hamish I think his name was), his axe is WOBBLING as he runs!!!!

After watching that movie, for the longest time I totally thought that the belted plaide (sp?) aka Great kilt was a historically accurate garment to be worn in that time period, it wasn't until recently that I was told that a great kilt wasn't around until sometime in the early to mid 1500's!!
And what's up with showing the battle of Stirling bridge with NO BRIDGE!!!!!!

WODE?? pffffff wasn't the face painting thing done by BRONZE AGE Celts hundreds of years before William Wallace would have been born?

Other than that, I enjoyed the movie...the fight scenes were awesome!
I'm no historian, but the way they depicted the English military, especially the archers was very accurate.