Well, it happened! Yes, "Monarch...." is back! The first episode of six in the final series was shown on BBC1, here in the UK, this evening.

I apologise for not getting back a few days ago to confirm this showing, but the return of the series has been well publicised in the press and TV listings magazines. The story-line has been weakening in previous series (after the Producers ran out of the original Sir Compton Mackenzie stories) and this last series shows little sign of improving in that area. However, familiar characters are there and the gorgeous scenery is much in evidence.

The first face from the (recent) past to show up was Duncan's. Unfortunately, although he opens the episode, he is not kilted until about half-way through - he turns up in motor-cycle leathers and moves on to t------s some time before we see him in his kilt! Hopefully, he stays with us until the last episode, but I wouldn't bank on his doing so!!

I might miss next week's episode as I'll be on another stage of my World Tour, and will be in Wales - Cardiff to be precise.