found in my inbox a few minutes ago:

This Friday night, Barleyjuice storms into Finnigan's Wake. wait.
i'm sorry. i used the word "storms" to describe our gig this friday.
i'm really sorry. that's just bad, stupid journalism. kinda like
saying we're "a force to be reckoned with". let me start over.

Barleyjuice will be performing with gusto, finesse and little tutu
dance moves at Finnigan's Wake this Friday, 9/23, even though
it's not mentioned on their calendar. They like to keep these
occasional gigs quiet I suppose as it just causes too much fuss
and they have to hire extra staff to help clean up the joint
afterwards. So come on down but keep it in your hat. for their
sake. don't tell anybody. and for God's sake, don't BRING
anybody down there with you.