A Day in the Life of a Kilt
A close friend and I wear our Sport kilts as discreet changing attire when we got off the water from a kayak adventure. We typically head to a local est. for a pint. "kilted of-course." We get the typical reaction from all who venture to inquire. "Thumbs up, from mature men. Laughs and Snickers from immature men, Pleasant inquiries from the lasses. Last week a young slightly intoxicated girl approached us and told us she was going to lift our kilts because she was bet 20$ for the act. we replied no...and moved her hands off our hem lines. To which she walked away only to return and lift my kilt when I was not paying Attention. (I was regimental for the first time, I am not comfortable that way, for this exact reason) I took it in stride but then thought about it. The same act prepetrated by a male to a skirted female would have brought big problems, fights, police, at the least being kicked out of the establishment, etc. I believe my reaction was proper "I ignored her"
But it weighed heavy on my mind as the night wore on. Any advice or similar stories? Thanks, Richland
“Live each season as it passes; breathe the air, taste the fruit, drink the drink, and resign yourself to the influences of each.” H.D. Thoreau