Quote Originally Posted by Hamish
I have been keeping pretty quiet about all of this, mainly because I really have no knowledge of my ancestry beyond scant information regarding my own parents. However, I should like to see the man, any man, nowadays who could step forward and provide proof that he is pure anything at all. No matter where we now reside, we are all of us mongrels and let us not forget it.

When, in my previous post, I stated that the English gene pool was 40% Germanic and 60% Native British, this does not imply that 40% of the English have 'pure(?)' Germanic genes and 60% have 'pure(?)' British genes. As you quite correctly say, we are all mongrels, so on average an Englishman will have 60% British signature genes and 40% Germanic signature genes. I was merely questioning what Todd said about the English having Anglo-Saxon blood, a common misconception.

James is quite right about the use of the term 'Celtic' here and on other forums. Many tend to use it without having the faintest idea of what it means. As 'Celtic' is a language classification, any talk of 'Celtic blood' is meaningless, unless it is used metaphorically to refer to an affinity for Celtic culture, i.e. the culture of those who speak (or whose ancestors spoke) a Celtic language. One would then, of course, need to define Celtic culture more specifically.

Rob (with his philosophical hat on)