Is anyone else planning on attending the Scottish Christmas Walk in Alexandria, VA, on the morning of December 3rd?

It's a major fundraiser for Alexandria Head Start and Early Head Start; Campagna Kids, quality before and after school child care; 21st Century Community Learning Center; Wright to Read, tutoring for elementary students reading below grade level; the Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) and Bienvenidos, a tutoring and mentoring program for Latino youth at T.C. Williams.

It is in its 35th year and is a blast.

I'm going to be there in MacKay tartan. How about anyone else?

Information on the Scottish Christmas Walk is at

Events are held Thursday, Friday and Saturday and include all sorts of neat things.

Here's a schedule of events:

If anyone else is planning on attending, let me know. Maybe we can all meet up.