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  1. #8
    Join Date
    3rd November 05
    Marquette, Michigan
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    Toward the end of that thread a few kilt wearing guys posted up and tried to educate the others. Not too many negative posts after the former employee of Utilikilts started posting. Then, there was another guy, with only 1 post, who had quite a lot to say about how to wear a kilt.

    But, I do chuckle at those types of guys over there. I know guys like that, who spend more time in front of their closets trying to decide what to wear and how to wear it, than most women do. I can't see spending more than $12 for a t-shirt, myself, and Levi Strauss is the only "designer" of blue jeans that I'm interested in.
    Last edited by MacMullen; 5th December 05 at 07:28 PM.


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