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  1. #1
    Join Date
    12th March 05
    SW Washington
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    Hi y'all,

    Been a while but things have been busy round here. Yesterday a whole lot of things culminated in this GREAT event.
    [img] http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c1...r/P1050047.jpg [/img]
    [img] http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c1...r/P1050070.jpg [/img]

    My dear wife got her BS degree!!!

    Lots of tears and laughter. Lots of friends, without whom this never could have happened.

    During the wait for the ceremony, four or five folks came up and started talking to me. My son, twelve, told me " That kilt is a real conversation starter!" I just had to agree.

    The day went went well and now the realization that this part of life has ended but another BIG part is about to start. Hmmmm....What are the career choices for an onery, busted up, not formally educated, almost 50 year old bovine pedacurist?

    Not about me today. Just had to share our delight and pride.

    Last edited by macgreggor; 18th December 05 at 05:50 AM.


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