Quote Originally Posted by Shay
There's no such thing as a woman's regimental kilt. Going regimental means going without undergarments, and a kilt is a man's garment. (That being said, I wear men's kilt's myself, but I refer to them as such, like when I wear men's jeans or shirts)

I think this might be a case of, "I don't want to make what you're asking for incorrectly," not in a bad way, but because if someone's not asking for the right thing the right way, chances are the item will be returned later on when the customer finds out their error.

Worse, the tailor's work could be held up for public display and conversation and other more knowledgable people will wonder if the tailor is that unmindful of the tradition and history of the kilt as a male garment. Thus cutting down on their future sales.

If you represented your desire as a tartan skirt with a front apron (preferably flipped from the normal way with the outside straps on the left) you'll probably have better luck.

One hint from this gal to your gal- don't bother with a sporran- they look silly on us- especially the furry ones!

On that subject Shay, my best friends (female) wants me to make her a kilt as well and we got into a long discussion of should it be a longer one like a womans skirt (something she would NEVER wear - unless on stage for a performance - suffice it to say she isnt the lacey frilly type - not that all women are but you know what i mean...) or a man styled kilt - with the upper apron going from left to right.

have you ever run into any probs/negative reactions from wearing a man styled kilt???