I was channel surfing while waiting for the weather to come on the local news, and I stumbled across "Bedknobs and Broomsticks." I hadn't seen it in a decade or so, and I do like the ending, so I flipped back to it after the weather.
There's two very brief scenes at the end which make me mention it here. The first is when the Germans first realize something is wrong - where they hear (and see) an empty piper's uniform standing on the overlooking cliff, playing the bagpipes - accompanied by two drummers. The second is when all of the empty uniforms and armor collapse - on the right edge of the screen, you can just see that the kilt and its jacket are the last things to fall down.
The uniform looked to be WWI era, and the kilt Black Watch - it was kind of hard to tell, they had the lighting low so the audience wouldn't see the wires.