Hell-o all,

Today I was meeting several people for lunch to discuss some business. Since most work in Downtown it was decided to eat at a place that is next to the pedestrian/shuttle mall. I was in the back of the table, so people coming in or out were not able to see me Kilted (their lose haha). Overhearing several tidbits of conversation from others dining I kept hearing Kilts, bagpipes, and that is so neat.

Well I knew that the conversation was not directed to me, so I just kept quiet. But when a lull in the conversation came and the door opened, I heard a sound of pipe music. Looking out the window I could not see anything, until I leaned way back. Yes I saw a piper and another Kilted gent. The other gent was Allen who posts here from time to time passing out cards to hire a Celtic Musician (well he is in marketing you may know). I thought that it would be neat to go and talk to them, but alas it was not meant to be as when I was able to get out there, they had moved on.

Now the strange part about this, is I ran into another friend who I have worked with for various weekend conferences. He informed me that he has a Kilt now too, and wants us both to be in attendance at the next conference in March.

It was a grand day indeed, and great PR for the Kilt.