A middle aged Irish man leaves the doctor's office. His son is waiting for him in the lobby.

“What did he say da?” the boy asked

“It’s not good son” The dad said “I have cancer and it will take me in a month, so let’s go to the pub and have a drink with the lads.”

Upon reaching the pub the Irishman find his friends waiting for the news.

“Well lads” The Irishman says “Tis bad news, I have AIDS and I am going to pass in a month.”

So being good Irish friends they toast the good life the Irishman had led, the wife he had, the sons he raised, and so on until the Irishman couldn’t hardly stand.

Later on as he staggered home with his son’s help, the son asked the Irishman “Dad why did you tell the lads you have AIDS when you really have cancer?”

The Irishman chuckled and said “because I don’t want any of those drunk bastards trying to hump your ma when I am dead!”