One of the last of the least in my size. Got it off the scratch and dent rack (it had been washed, big deal, I was gonna wash it anyway). Did have to have it chopped to my length.

This white kilt stuff is tough to coordinate. Here's my first effort - an Ecuadorian shirt I bought off a street vendor in Albuquerque last summer.

Used gray kilt hose to try to bring out the grey in the shirt....thought red soccer sox would have been a bit over the top.

Plans for this puppy are either to tie die it, lady who lives down on the Hopi Rez says she has Hopi friends who can embroider it with Hopi designs that won't offend other Hopi's if I wore it down there...not sure what or where they'd do it...willing to risk it. Will know more this weekend.

Hopi kilts are usually white with artwork of red, green, and black on them.

Anyway, went to work dressed this way. Nary a comment anymore...just Ron in another kilt...a client in group tonight did ask where I got them all...gave him some sites, but doubt he'd wear a kilt.

If the pic doesn't make it past your firewall and you're curious go to my gallery, click on the UK Workman's sub album, then go to the last pic on Page 3 of the Workman's album.
