Quote Originally Posted by BLAZN
I wanted to do all this in a Scottish accent... turns out my Yankee **** is no good at it.

Where abouts is Dumfries in relation to Edinburgh? I am expecting the misfortune of spending some time in France (Brest, up north) in July. My present plans have me hopping onto a ferry and heading over to the bonnie land of Scots. Having visited both places, I assure you I'd rather be in Scotland!

I'd venture to think it would be quite enjoyable making 1Malt's aquaintance and seeing his bonnie B&B. Travel must be limited though... I'll be very limited on time and can ill afford a car. Be it not for ScotRail... I wouldn't even get to head to the fine city of Glascow nor would I be able to patronize my favorite fish and chips shop, Cafe Lido, in Helensburgh!


Dumfries & Galloway is in the Soothwest corn'r o Scotland.... Dumfries is the largest toon in D&G... just across the bairder fraim England... oan the River Nith- whot runs tae the Solway Firth....

we ayr aboot 1 1/2 oours drive fraim baith Glasga an Edinbrrra...

here's a map fur ya....

the train station is liter'ly across the road fraim us....

I'd bae happy tae pour ya a malt upon yer arrival....