Quote Originally Posted by cajunscot
What do they think about the common chalice at Mass then? :mrgreen:

Colin: very well done indeed! A splendid way to extend the ancient right of hospitality to all who cross your threshhold.


When I was attending Catholic services one of my friends who was also catholic was extremely germ-o-phobic. Constantly washing her hands, wouldn't get near someone sick, wouldn't use a public restroom or drink from a water fountain. But she had no problem with the common chalice at mass. So I had to ask what was the difference. Her answer was for me a testament of faith and I was actually impressed at the power of faith to overcome something that otherwise ruled her life. What was her answer? "Since the wine becomes the blood of Christ it becomes perfect and the perfect Christ cannot transmit disease and suffering only salvation." For those who don't believe in transubstantiation it might seem silly, but to me it seems like a beautiful example of faith.