I went to "Home Depot" with my wife and kids today, in order to take back some blinds and to visit my Dad and friends (long story short, too late, I used to work at "Depot" and my Dad still works there). I went cilted, of course, I wore my "Desert Camo" UK, runners and a black t-shirt. I got the usual looks from people, and a couple of "love the cilt" comments, all in all, a normal day. Well anyway, as we were driving home my wife asked me if I "noticed the lady staring at me?", my answer was "which one?" .
The way my wife explained it is that as we were walking through the store, some lady, who was shopping with her husband, saw me in my cilt and her 'jaw hit the floor'. She stared at me for about a minute or so, not blinking, until she finally noticed her husband walked away. She went to go find him, and keeped looking back at me. My wife thought I stood there in that isle looking at stuff, was just for the ladies benefit. I had no idea that I was getting stared at.
Oh, to the power of the cilt and my 'god-like' good looks. :rolleyes: