I'm still getting used to being kilted during the week and this morning when I went to get dressed I forgot where my wallet was. I had to go back in my mind if I was wearing shorts or a kilt and which sporran did I have. This is starting to get a little out of hand. :rolleyes:

Yesterday I went to see my mother and had on my Black Watch. She looked at me and questioned as to whether I was going out in kilts now. I told her I was and then she told me that one of her favorites skirts in High School (1954) was a Black Watch. I asked if she had any idea about the history which she didn't so I gave her a couple of websites to learn about her "favorite skirt".

These things get more addicting over time. I've only been going kilted for a month or so but I feel more comfortable every day.

Thanks for the help from here.