I have a black UK Survival that my wife likes more than the tan Mocker. (I just found this out. And I found out my daughter, who is in the Army, doesn't like my kilts. Oh well, she is just not used to her dad in a "skirt". ha ha)

I have black kilt hose, or off white. I have black flashes. Would the black flashes really show up on the black hose? Would the off white hose be too much of a contrast with black flashes? What color dress shirt would go best? I have a good selection as most go with black and some are light designed with multiple colors. I even have a black shirt, but that might be too much black.

My wife has a choral group she is singing in on Saturday night and I was wondering what to wear? It is not a real dress up affair, but I just want to look nice.

Thanks for the advice, I will let you know what I chose.