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  1. #1
    Join Date
    13th March 05
    Orange County, CA., U.S.A.
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    Who's on MySpace?

    I hope it's not out of place to bring this up here, but with it's "networking" and "personal site" functions, MySpace is another option for getting to know a little bit about each other outside of the XMarks context.

    I noticed a couple of people talking about their MySpace sites, and got to wondering how many of us have a personal site there. I went to the site of one of the members, and found a link to the MS site of a celtic-rock band that I like, which had a link to their official site, as well as links to other MS sites of bands that I listen to - it's that whole "networking" thing - by the time I was done, I "surfed" into 7 different band's sites, and had added them to my favorites list.

    My site is pretty basic, 'cause I cant figure out how to do much :rolleyes:, but here it is.
    Last edited by Iolaus; 28th April 06 at 01:47 PM.


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