I just got back from visiting my folks in Arizona. My dad was celebrating his 75th.
I was only going to be there for 3 days, but I spent about a week agonizing over whether or not I was going to take my kilt.

My folks have never seen me wear the kilt in person, but they've seen a few photos. The first time my dad stared at the picture for about 5 minutes, and finally asked, "What the hell are you wearing there?" I explained about kilts, and he just kind of looked at me.

A month ago, my folks were visiting, and they came across some other photos - some of which had me kilted. My mom, who would never say anything negative about anyone, smiled at some of the photos in question. She asked a few questions, but no comments positive or negative.

So since it was such a short trip, I decided to leave the kilt at home.

When I got there it was beastly hot. I mentioned that "I should have brought the kilt!"
My mom said, "I'm so glad you didn't. I would have to tell the neighbors that you didn't come to Arizona..."

Disappointing, yes. But in the end, I suppose it was better not to cause my folks the mental strife.

Still, I feel odd that I didn't go kilted purely because of someone elses opinion.

Thus ends the confession for the day.