sae ya'v got yur kilt... an yur bonnet.... an yur brougues...
noo whit aboot thot tongue?
lest thare bae confusion aboot this...
'Scots' is a language... no a dialect o English... no an accent... it is a language...
Wikipedia's definition is here
( here is a wee bit o it) "The British government now accepts Scots as a regional language and has recognised it as such under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages. Evidence for its existence as a separate language lies in the extensive body of Scots literature, in independent—if somewhat fluid—orthographic conventions and in its former use as the official language of the original Scottish Parliament. "
the modern Scots Pariliment wab site has Scots alaing wi' Arabic, Punjabi, Français, Català, an mony others... as a language ya can read their wab site in....
an there arr mony wab sites dedicate tae the Scots Language...
Scots-online... pittin the mther tongue oan the wab...
Scots Language Resource Centre
Dictionary of the Scots Language
Scots Language Society
an- the greet site- ElectricScotland/Scots Independant has a section tae...
a greet place tae start learnin (jus like a' languages) is in Scuil....
an here is the Scuil Wab..
sae- get tae scrievens awreddies ya rabble o kilties!