What to wear ...
So I'm going to the Gatlinburg Games this weekend and I am wondering what to wear. It is a given that it will be a kilt, and probably multiple kilts since I am looking at a 10 hours drive each way, and would not want to wear the same kilt for the drive as to the games (have to look my best you know).
So I am wondering, a PK, UK, AK, or (gulp) SK to represent the contemporary side of things? Or maybe the USAK casual (Ireland's national) or semi-trad (Black Watch)to represent a more updated traditional look, or perhaps the new SWK Heavyweight in weathered Lamont? And of course there is always the standard SWK in Nightstalker, always a good look (and the first real kilt I wore out in public). I also have the HW (not SWK but similar) Scottish National, and the box pleated Donegal tweed from Matt! Auuugghh, what should I wear. Or maybe I should bring all of them and change every 2-3 hours while at the games! It would give any XMarker's in attendance a way to compare all of these kilts!
So chime in guys (and girls), what do you want to see me wear, and if anybody wants to see/compare kilts from a manufacturer they have not seen (and that I own), let me know before Friday and I will throw it in to take along.
And if you are really nice, I will model it for you!
The kilt concealed a blaster strapped to his thigh. Lazarus Long