Thanks for the comments all. No sugestions for oatmeal hose, hmmmh?
I am not trying to exactly copy Ham, but I had noticed that his photos were always so much fun to view because he had such a great smile and looked like he was enjoying himself. I decided to take my pictures in a better setting than my kitchen and enjoy myself while doing so. The particular pose just works well to show off the kilt and accessories.
Anyway, Colin I have tried to grow facial hair before. After 4 days and my wife asking "Have you stopped shaving yet?" I determined that I did not inherit the facial gene from my father! I can literally go 3 days without shaving, and go to work on the third day, and nobody will notice. Or if they do, they say "Forget to shave this morning?".
However, a kind Xmarker (who shall remain anonymous as he did not include his XMarks name!) sent me the pic below. I showed it to my wife and daughters. My wife said I looked like my father (a long time beard person), my youngest asked why I had mud on my face (LOL), and the oldest asked why my face was dirty! Personally, I kind of like the look, and might have to consider letting the facial hair grow. Always wanted a beard or moustache (father and step-Dad's influence), and I am going to surprise some family members by fowarding this a a real picture, since I have not seen many of them in a while. And BTW, does this pic remind anyone of another XMarker?
The kilt concealed a blaster strapped to his thigh. Lazarus Long