I made a decision to take my RKilt Saffron (I call it buckskin) out of the closet and wear it a LOT. Decided that leather garments need to be worn a lot to develop a patina, a look of wear, rather than being hung up in the closet for special occasions.

So I'm gonna do that. Instead of wearing my UK denim on the weekends, gonna wear my leather RKilt.

Already started. Here's a couple pics from hiking yesterday. The "outfit" probably qualifies for the "Kilt Don'ts" but it is HOT and sandals were comfy...the western shirt seemed to go well with the color of the kilt, though its askew from hiking...and the cavalry hat...my lady insisted...

Anyhow, my belated question is - I'm doing right...correct? This will be a good thing over time....?

I don't wanna take it on the river though...think getting it wet would make it dry smaller and I'm already on the last hole in the kilt straps...another weight reduction insentive.

Its hazy out because the Kaibab Plateau is still on fire and so is Navajo Mountain, that lump on the horizon.
