Ancient myself, my mother at 101 is even older-but is kept going at home with a series of carers-the latest being Polish and with a less than ideal command of English-and despite what follows an excellent carer.

She sees my kilt for the first time, 'Aah, I like your dress, you look so nice in the dress.'

I explain that it is a kilt etc!

'Oh, you call your dress a kilt'.

I try again-and again.

'You mean in this country you call your dress a kilt, it is a nice dress'.

This with variations has been going on now for two weeks, she leaves today: and I'm sure that soon all over Poland people will know that in Britain men call their dresses-kilts.'

I found the whole thing most amusing and a bit of light relief in the oft wearing business of caring for an old lady.

I hope you find it funny too: also there is a point to the story-for on occasion we have to laugh at ourselves, and not get too precious about our choice of nether garment.
