I have been loosing the hair on the top of my head since I was 23 (I'm now 59). All these years I had been carefully combing over these bald spots so that the did not show. As the years passed, this became more and more difficult because there was less and less hair on top. It finally reached the point that there was actually no hair growing on the top of my head, and the combover was about 7 inches long. I used "extra strength" hair spray to hold everything in place, and always worried about strong winds.

Well, last week I finally asked myself why in the world am I doing this? Yep, the combover is gone. My wife likes it better, and I like it better. Surprisingly, I'm not self conscious about it at all. So not only am I kilted full-time, the bare top of my head is completely visable. It could be my imagination, but it seems that the women I meet when taking my daily walk in the park (kilted) have a smile that is a bit broader, and they are more cheerful. Could it be that the kilt + the bald head convey a message that I'm even more confident than before? I wonder.
