Now.....I don't want to be really dense here....

Well, admittedly I can't help it and I'm always sort of dense so here it goes....

Several times on here people have said that when wearing a kilt you MUST wear underwear because it is the only way to be hygienic and if the kilt touches your skin then it is non-hygienic.

What is that all about? If the underwear touches my skin, isn't that also non-hygienic? Does that mean if anything touches my skin it is immediately contaminated and must be burned or something? :confused:

There are germs everywhere around me. The food I just had for lunch was loaded with germs and all sorts of things that are flying around here in the office because I had it sitting for quite a while on my desk cooling off while I was surfing the net. Do you know how many germs are on this keyboard I'm using now? If I put my finger in my mouth I could die!

The Scottish army didn't use underwear with their kilts and it seemed as though they did okay for hundreds of years.

I'm just trying to figure out why it is that underwear is so hygienic? Someone needs to explain this to me because I'm just not getting it.

However, let it be hereby known that I did not believe I could be affected by food poisoning until just a few years ago when I got some bad Chinese take-out. I thought I was somehow immune.

On the other hand, if we worry so much about germs can we end up missing a great deal of fun in life?

Phil in Phoenix