Originally Posted by
And btw, I am not posting this advice to be mean towards Alan -- as I have explained before, I have actually help plan and organize games in SW Missouri since the late 1990's. I'm just offering "food for thought" and trying to help Alan so that way the games will not be ruined for anyone. Most spectators at games simply do not realize all of the blood, sweat and tears that go into them. I'm sorry, w2f, if you think otherwise, but that was not my intention.
Todd, I really, truly do feel you are giving good advice, with no rancor or malice given, or taken. Perhaps our experiences with the sunshades differ because of our differing climates (and California's propensity for outlandish wierdness. )
It seems Alan and I and you are wrestling with a new idea - that a new "un-clan" is arising. A special interest group (kiltwearing SIG) has grown/is growing in cyberspace, creating a virtual kilted world. Those members who are geographically close together carry this sense of identity with them when organizing kilt nights or meetings at highland games. How is this "un-clan" different from, or similar to, organizations such as a Scottish Military Chapter or the (generic) "South County Chapter of Celtic Descendants" or the Utiliklan? The last is a marketing scheme, the prior by bloodline, the next prior by military service, but XMarks is by voluntary assent to an idea not tied to any vendor. The question is: How should XMarks representation be classified?
Sorry, I'm all question and no answer.
Way Too Impetuous
"Listen Men.... You are no longer bound down to the unmanly dress of the Lowlander." 1782 Repeal.
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Lady From Hell vs Neighbor From Hell @ [url]http://way2noisy.blogspot.com[/url]