Alright, so I saw all the postings about SWK's sale. Well, I didn't really want one of the solid kilts. What I needed was a red tartan to expand from my growing collection of green/blue/black. So, I reckoned I'd order one of their Wallace Economy kilts. I have several items from SWK including one of their standard kilts (Nightstalker.) I have to say, that I'm actually more impressed with this one than the NS for two reasons.

1. The Nightstalker tartan has a soft "blankety" feel, where as the Wallace tartan has a more coarse "worsted" feel to it. I likey a LOT.

2. The Standard kilt (like the Econo) is made from acrylic. BUT, I feel that acrylic is too thick (or something) to be kilted at the much yardage (SWK standards use 7-8 yds, where the econo uses 4 yds.) Yes, the pleats aren't as deep, but I feel the trade off is WELL worth it. The fell on a standard is like wearing several pair of undies. Way too thick.

The one disadvantage of the econo, is that the pleats aren't sewn down. This is a first for me. But, I actually don't see it being much of a problem. I shall soon find out....