I was wondering about the various thoughts of kilts made with patterns that are based closely upon various flags.

Recently, there have been threads on the Scot saltire and the Confederate "battle flag" (now in lock down jail). In these threads different opinions about the rightness or wrongness of kilts in flag patterns.

Thus far, I have intentionally avoided too literal iterpretations of flags on anythig other than shirts. On kilts, I have leaned toward tartan representations of them instead, such as Confederate, American Bicentenial, Irish national, etc. Thereby, the tartan represents the meaning intended by the flag, but in a much more subtle manner.

As an amatuer vexiologist (studier of flags), I was wondering about different opinions, such as "fine by me" or "seeing flag _______made into a kilt highly offends me", followed by reasoning and rationale for that opinion.

Now gents and lasses, lets try to keep this civil and out of lockdown.