Just to recap, was reading True West magazine and saw a buffalo possibles bag. Emailed the lady who makes them, Miss April, at www.missaprilscarpetbags.com and asked if they could make up a buffalo sporran. After some discussions they did. I love it. Very "American." And, kinda in the tradition of making sporrans out of critter parts.

Just finished wearing it on a two day trip and it worked great. There is no need for closure hardware since the flap is long and heavy enough to keep itself in place. But its easy to get to my stuff too.

The width is 7 3/4". Length is 9". Depth is 2". When the flap is up the distance from bottom to top of flap is 21" The loop on the back for the sporran strap is 1 1/2" wide and 6" long.

Since these are hand made, Miss April can make them up any size you desire.

Cost for me was $175 + $12 shipping USD out of California

You can see the buffalo hide is a gray color. I'm going to use leather dye to make those edges brown. Miss April says there's no special care needed to keep the buffalo leather in shape and no danger of having the hair fall out.

The flash on the camera kinda blew through some of the hair and makes it look sparce, it isn't. Nice and thick and luxurious like buffalo hair is.

Here are a couple pics with kilts.

Taken in the Painted Desert on the Navajo Reservation.

Taken above the Little Colorado River, which rarely has water in it, yesterday - shortly before the Arizona Cardinals beat the Pittsburgh Steelers in preseason play.
