Quote Originally Posted by freddie
Have any of you tried to put on Highland Dress with a cat around ? Trying to tie gillie brogues is a nightmare as our Main Coon cat "Eve' is fascinated by the laces and toggles and leaps at my legs at every opportunity. Our old Main Coon 'Sam' used to be mesmarised by the tassles on my sporran and attacked them as soon as they moved (it was my own fault really as I once provoked him by swinging them in front of him, he just couldn't resist batting these furry things and even attacked the sporran when it was lying on the bed). Now when I get dressed I have to shut the cat out of the bedroom, but she's always lying in wait for me the minute I open the door !
Yup - two Maine Coons in our household too. They're a recipe for fun when they're awake and a perfect example of bliss and abandon when sleeping.

No ghillie brogues to mess with -- my feet are far wider than any last used by makers it seems -- but anything else appears to be fair game. Something about my kilt belts drives them nuts since they worship it, wrestle with it and generally take ownership of it the second my back is turned. And if I stage all my kit prior to dressing, there's a 100% guarantee that one of them will sit in the middle of everything to claim it as her own. They're a riot!

After a couple of years of observing them, I find their love of grooming is not limited to themselves but to each other, to the fauz fur collar of one of my wife's sweaters, to stuffed animals, and any other object exhibiting "fur." I'll forego the discussion of their fetish for licking plastic grocery bags I think I've found an item to fulfill their Highland desires: eithere a rabbit fur sporran of their very own or one of the Buffalo ones RiverKilt discovered! Either would provide hours of sporran-grooming pleasure.