Conference attire
So, I will be presenting the keynote address at a conference in Boston next Tuesday morning. I am planning on wearing my XMarks kilt, XMarks kilt pin, grey shirt, royal blue tie, stone hose, and navy flashes, with a newly cut down kilt jacket.
Here is a pic of everything, at least in the correct colors. I will be wearing a long sleeve, button down corporate shirt in the same gray, a royal blue tie, the same hose, but pulled up with navy flashes, and black wingtip shoes. Anybody have an opinion? It is a business casual affair, but since I am a speaker, I want to go more formal for the presentation.
Just the kilt and same colored accessories:
I am also considering wearing this jacket, but it has been cut down for kilt wear:
The kilt concealed a blaster strapped to his thigh. Lazarus Long