Quote Originally Posted by Monkey@Arms
On a recent thread someone suggested that the average age of the forum members was 35-40. I was under the impression that we skewed older than that (I'm in my late 40's). Lets find out. (For those who care about such things the votes are private, i.e. it doesn't show who posted what age)

Best regard,

So far, it looks like a failry standard (although somewhat flat) bell curve with the mean in the early forties. There is a spike in the upper thirties and it looks like it swings up again in the sixties, but those could be statistical abnormalities. So, of those who have answered, it looks like the "typical" Xmarks member is from the late thirties through the forties (based on the current sample).

Oh my, do you think going kilted could be a sign of a mid-life crisis.