And possibly Dumfires if we can work it into the schedule! I spoke at a vendor conference in Boston in August and the same vendor holds a smaller conference in London for their European customers that can not make it to the US. They have asked me to come and speak at this conference on Oct 3. Well, I could not pass up that kind of opportunity, especially as they will be paying for airfare for me. So, we will be in London (and parts thereabout), ariving Saturday Sep. 30 and leaving Saturday Oct. 7. We would really like to work in a trip to Scotland. Since Dumfries would be a nice spot (and I know a really good B&B there ) we are going to try and make that our destination. Not too long a train ride from London, and some beautiful scenery, as P1M's pictures have shown. If we do, if would likely be Oct 4-5. So, possibly another world renowned, international kilt night in Dumfries! And for anyone reasonably close to London, we would certainly love to visit, or have recommendations of sites to see.
